Damoiseaux 2021: 25 bird species at risk from the Canadian and American public registry
There are over 90 species of birds at risk in Canada and over 90 also in the U.S. I have started this series in 2020 with those common to both countries and focusing on the East Coast: they are in the next portfolio. In this portfolio, I have integrated in the collage of bird species suffering from a loss of habitat due to the intensification of agriculture often to produce cereals to feed cattle, hence the introduction of images of corn, raw and cooked meat intertwined.
Technique: A drawing and collage of a bird species at risk assembled digitally and printed with archival pigment on Hahnemuhle Photo Rag. The print is laser-cut and inserted between two laser-cut acrylic sheets.
Text continues below the images.
Excerpt from Silent Spring exhibition press release (Miyako Yoshinaga, New York, Sept 25th - Nov 21st 2020) and review by J. Goodman under links section and at this link:
«Rachel Carson’s 1962 prophetic essay Silent Spring was critical in the banning of DDT. Today we find ourselves witnessing the steep decline in the species of insects and birds that Carson predicted over 60 years ago. In this series, human body parts and consumer products give form to insects and birds, illustrating the plight of the numerous threatened species of North America.
Referring to the images of African-American men and women used in her work, Paul cites the groundbreaking laws adopted for both the environment and civil rights in the early 1960s that have still not been resolved and are now the top political agendas in the United States. Given this parallel as well as the fact that minorities have been disproportionately victimized by our increasingly hazardous environment, Paul’s work strives to honor their resilience and self-empowerment.»
Damoiseau : [a. OF. damoiseau the masculine corresp. to damoisel, damsel.] A young man of gentle birth, not yet made a knight.