PORTFOLIO > Damoiseaux 2020: 21 bird species at risk from the Canadian and American public registry

ecofeminist art, ecofeminism, Environment, ecology, photography, biodiversity, drawing, decline, empathy, environmental justice, black lives matter
Cerulean Warbler, Setophaga cerulea, Paruline azurée
Laser-cut acrylic and archival pigment on Hahnemuhle Photo Rag, also available as a print
7.7 x 9.9 inches; 19,45 x 25 cm

Cerulean Warbler is threatened in the US and endangered in Canada. Strongly declining numbers in recent years, their nesting efforts may fail because of increasing cowbird parasitism in smaller patches of forest. Maybe losing wintering habitat in tropics.
Source: www.audubon.org