DOMINIQUE PAUL PhD, visual artist, socially engaged art and decline of biodiversity: photography, collage, performance, interactivity, wearable, video and animation
Silent Fall, exhibition
Talk-to-Me: interactive bird
Performances 2022-2024
Migrations, Endangered Species and Geopolitics
Birds at Risk 2021
Silent Spring exhibitions
Birds at Risk 2020
Bumble Bees at Risk, 2019
2014-23 Insects of Surinam
2011-2013 Insects of Surinam
Escapist series 2017
Air Quality interactive dress
Median Houshold Income performance
Videos: Wearable Structures
Theme Dresses
Migrations des Arthropodes, 2012, photo series
Video: Migrations of the Arthropods, 2012, Artist becomes an insect... 5 min 30 sec.
Prometheus series 2010-2011
Illuminations 2010-2011
Becoming Chinese 2011
Explorations : Archetypes and change of seasons 2006-2009
Degenerations series : Lucie and Neal 2003-2005
Degenerations series : Daphné and Cybèle 2003-2005
Avatars 1999-2003
Links to PRESS
Animal Population Decline|Disappearing
PDF CATALOGUE 2012, English & French
Silent Fall|Devenir oiseau|Becoming bir
DOMINIQUE PAUL PhD, visual artist, socially engaged art and decline of biodiversity: photography, collage, performance, interactivity, wearable, video and animation
Silent Fall, exhibition
Talk-to-Me: interactive bird
Performances 2022-2024
Migrations, Endangered Species and Geopolitics
Birds at Risk 2021
Silent Spring exhibitions
Birds at Risk 2020
Bumble Bees at Risk, 2019
2014-23 Insects of Surinam
2011-2013 Insects of Surinam
Escapist series 2017
Air Quality interactive dress
Median Houshold Income performance
Videos: Wearable Structures
Theme Dresses
Migrations des Arthropodes, 2012, photo series
Video: Migrations of the Arthropods, 2012, Artist becomes an insect... 5 min 30 sec.
Prometheus series 2010-2011
Illuminations 2010-2011
Becoming Chinese 2011
Explorations : Archetypes and change of seasons 2006-2009
Degenerations series : Lucie and Neal 2003-2005
Degenerations series : Daphné and Cybèle 2003-2005
Avatars 1999-2003
Links to PRESS
Animal Population Decline|Disappearing
PDF CATALOGUE 2012, English & French
Silent Fall|Devenir oiseau|Becoming bir
Silent Fall, Art Museum of the Americas, Washington D.C.
Silent Fall, Art Museum of the Americas, Washington D.C.
Talk-to-Me: interactive sound piece
Talk-to-Me: interactive sound piece
Performances: Red (trailer), Red|Rojo|Rouge|Vermelho, Animal Population Decline and The Ants (excerpts)
Performances: Red (trailer), Red|Rojo|Rouge|Vermelho, Animal Population Decline and The Ants (excerpts)
Migrations, Endangered Species and Geopolitics
Migrations, Endangered Species and Geopolitics
Damoiseaux 2021: 25 bird species at risk from the Canadian and American public registry
Damoiseaux 2021: 25 bird species at risk from the Canadian and American public registry
Silent Spring exhibitions New York 2020 and Quebec 2021
Silent Spring exhibitions New York 2020 and Quebec 2021
Damoiseaux 2020: 21 bird species at risk from the Canadian and American public registry
Damoiseaux 2020: 21 bird species at risk from the Canadian and American public registry
Bumble Bees at Risk from the Canadian and American public registry
Bumble Bees at Risk from the Canadian and American public registry
2014-23 Insects of Surinam series: photographs of collages, high-reliefs and animation
2014-23 Insects of Surinam series: photographs of collages, high-reliefs and animation
2011-2013 Insects of Surinam series: photographs of collages
2011-2013 Insects of Surinam series: photographs of collages
Escapist series 2017
Escapist series 2017
Air Quality Performance with an interactive dress
Air Quality Performance with an interactive dress
Median Household Income, performance with an interactive dress, New York
Median Household Income, performance with an interactive dress, New York
Videos: Wearable Structures
Videos: Wearable Structures
Images of Theme Dresses
Images of Theme Dresses
Migrations des Arthropodes, 2012, photo series
Migrations des Arthropodes, 2012, photo series
Video: Migrations of the Arthropods, 2012, Artist becomes an insect... 5 min 30 sec.
Video: Migrations of the Arthropods, 2012, Artist becomes an insect... 5 min 30 sec.
Prometheus series 2010-2011
Prometheus series 2010-2011
Illuminations 2010-2011
Illuminations 2010-2011
Becoming Chinese 2011
Becoming Chinese 2011
Explorations : Archetypes and change of seasons 2006-2009
Explorations : Archetypes and change of seasons 2006-2009
Degenerations series : Lucie and Neal 2003-2005
Degenerations series : Lucie and Neal 2003-2005
Degenerations series : Daphné and Cybèle 2003-2005
Degenerations series : Daphné and Cybèle 2003-2005
Avatars 1999-2003
Avatars 1999-2003